The anime film Kimi no Iro (The Colors Within) by Science SARU has been adapted into a manga by artist Suzuki Sanami (Black Rock Shooter: Innocent Soul, Youkai Dai Sensou Guardians, Hokusai to Meshi Saeareba, Kajiki no Ryourinin, Match Shoujo). The manga’s first chapter was published on Kadokawa’s Comic Newtype platform on July 16th, 2024.
The Kimi no Iro film premiere was held in June 2024 at this year’s Annecy International Film Festival. Yamada Noako directed the film, which was initially slated for release in late 2023 but will now open in Japan on August 30th, 2024.
The film revolves around high school girl Totsuko, who can see the colors of the emotions in people. In order to keep her friends and family from feeling dark feelings, she worries, reads situations, and even lies to smooth things over. At an antique bookshop in the corner of Nagasaki, she meets a beautiful woman with an incredibly beautiful color and a music-loving boy trying to put together a band. The story follows these three sensitive people who gather together to play in a band.