Announced on Sep 26, 2023, a new manga by Morishita Miyu, titled Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou. (“Tsumiki Ogami & the Strange Everyday Life.”), has now begun serialization on the 46th issue of Shogakukan‘s Weekly Shounen Sunday on October 11, 2023. Having only previously written and illustrated one-shots, this will be Morishita’s first serialized manga, based on a previous one-shot, titled Kimi to nara Hadashi., published on January 12th, 2022.
Once thought to be a legend, it came to be discovered that non-humans are real, though in the current era the preferred word for them is genjin or “phantom people”. In recent years, they have gradually gained acceptance and mingled with human society, many even attending school.
Shinsou Yutaka, a student of Keiki High School (which has a particularly high number of genjin students), is so used to paying attention to what other people do and think, that he lost his sense of self and has no aspirations. It’s then that he meets a genjin student, a werewolf girl named Ogami Tsumiki. Charming, strong, kind of careless, but also kinder than anyone he knows… just hanging out with her, he feels his sense of self getting a little bit stronger.
Morishita has also posted a short story set in the same universe on Twitter, about a mermaid girl and a human boy who is afraid of bugs.