Dragon Ball Super manga by Toyotarou will go on hiatus starting April 2024, and no date has been provided for its return. The news was announced this week in the May 2024 issue of Shueisha’s V Jump magazine, where the manga is serialized.
Toyotarou (Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission) started the manga in June 2015 as an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super anime. Shueisha published the manga’s first tankoubon volume in April 2016. Volume 22 was released in December 2023, and the latest volume, number 23, will be released on April 4th, 2024.
Toriyama Akira (Sand Land, Go! Go! Ackman, Dr. Slump) started the original Dragon Ball manga in 1984. Sadly, Toriyama passed away on March 1st, 2024, at the age of 68.
After defeating Majin Buu, life is peaceful once again. Chi-chi orders Goku to work to earn money, even though he wants to train even more. Meanwhile, Goten, about to become Videl’s brother-in-law, sets out on a journey with Trunks to find her a present.