Staff for the TV anime adaptation of Hirakawa Aya’s Mikadono San Shimai wa Angai, Choroi (The Three Mikadono Sisters are Surprisingly Easy) manga have revealed a new teaser visual and teaser video for the show. It has also been confirmed that the anime will premiere in 2025 and that Matsubayashi Tadahito (Mahou Shoujo Site, Tokyo Ghoul: Pinto) is directing the anime at P.A. Works studio.
Hirakawa started the ongoing manga in December 2021 in Shogakukan’s Weekly Shounen Sunday, and Shogakukan released the manga’s first tankoubon volume in March 2022 and volume 10 in July 2024. The 11th volume will be released on October 18th, 2024.
The romance manga centers on Yuu Ayase, the son of Subaru Ayase, a genius actress gifted in all areas of literature and martial arts. Unfortunately, Yuu is below average in all areas, unlike his mother.
While he is painfully aware of the difference in talent between him and his mother, he is sent to live with an acquaintance after his mother’s death. In that home, he finds the three Mikadono sisters, who reign as the “Three Emperors” at the prestigious Saika Academy. In order to fulfill his mother’s last wish to create a happy family, Yuu begins living with the three genius sisters. The three genius sisters look down on the average Yuu but are gradually drawn to Yuu’s hard work to support them and are shaken…confused…and eventually thrilled. It’s a love comedy about a genius and an ordinary person rising above the rest, all under one roof!!
We’ve previously covered Mikadono San Shimai wa Angai, Choroi on NamiComi News, which you can read by visiting the relevant news article.