Viz Media has confirmed that Takaki Tsuyoshi’s Black Torch manga has been green-lit for a TV anime adaptation. A promotional video and teaser visual have been released and it’s been confirmed that Umabiki Kei is directing the anime at 100Studio.


Black Torch Anime Teaser Visual

Takaki (Heart Gear) started the manga in December 2016 in Shueisha’s Jump Square magazine and Shueisha published the manga’s first tankoubon volume in April 2017 and the fifth and final volume in August 2018.

Black Torch Manga Cover 1

Black Torch Manga Cover 5

Viz Media released the manga in English and it describes the manga below:

Although he may appear rough-and-tumble, Jiro Azuma’s compassionate side emerges when it comes to the furry critters he can communicate with. But Jiro’s soft spot for animals gets him in major trouble when a suspicious stray cat fuses with him, granting him exceptional power but also dragging him into humanity’s hidden battle against powerful Japanese spirits, mononoke.