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Cookie Policy
- 1.What are cookies?
- 1.1Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit.
- 1.2This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and the choices you have to control them.
- 1.3Unless otherwise stated in this policy, our Privacy Policy applies to the data we collect.
- 2.Necessary cookies
- 2.1Basic operational cookies are necessary for us to provide you with the services explicitly requested by you; and to enable you to move around the website/application and use their related features.
- 2.2Preferences cookies to remember your browser and languages preferences.
- 2.3Personalized cookies to allow us to personalize our services with content more relevant, stories and suggestions based on your behaviour on the website and application.
- 2.4Security cookies to increase the security of the service and to detect repeated failed login or similar mechanisms designed to protect you from abuse.
- 2.5These cookies have a retention period of 1 month.
- 3.Third party cookies
- 3.1Analytics and measurement cookies. Data retention period is subject to each 3rd party’s policy.
- (a)Google analytics & Firebase will collect your IP address and information about your use (how often, which pages) of our website and application to allow us improving our services and contents.
- (b)Hubspot to help us to understand your use of our services and improve our services. Hubspot may collect your age, IP address, user ID, language and device preferences.
- 3.2Analytics and advertising cookies. Data retention period is subject to each 3rd party’s policy.
- (a)We may use a service like Doubleclick for the purpose of analysing the effectiveness of an ad campaign in order to avoid displaying twice the same advertisements to the same user.
- (b)We may use services like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Bing, Pinterest, TikTok, Branch, InMobi and/or ironSource for the purpose of delivering advertisements and measure their performance to be able to display advertisements tailored to your activity and usage of the website and application.
- 4.Social networks cookies
- 4.1Cookies that are set by the following social networks are intended to allow you to facilitate the sharing of content and to improve your experience.
- 4.2Facebook, Reddit ,Tumblr, Twitter, LINE, Instagram, Whatsapp.
- 4.3The social networks provided may vary by region.
The English version of this document is the definitive version. Translations into other languages are provided for information only.
Last updated: 10th February 2023