The official website for the animated adaptation of The Quintessential Quintuplets author Haruba Negi’s Sentai Daishikkaku has revealed today the first trailer and main cast and confirmed the anime’s premiere for 2024. Satou Keiichi (Karas, Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary, Tiger & Bunny) is directing the anime at Yostar Pictures, with Oochi Keichirou (The Quintessential Quintuplets, Machikado Mazoku, Adachi to Shimamura) as the scriptwriter. Kobayashi Yuusuke (Ishigami from Dr. Stone, Arslan from The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Kaizou from Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens) is voicing the protagonist.


Haruba launched the original manga on Kodansha‘s Weekly Shounen Magazine on February 3, 2021. Kodansha has collected its chapters into eleven tankoubon volumes as of September 14, 2023. The series went on to receive a nomination for the seventh Next Manga Award in 2021 in the printed manga category. Kodansha USA licensed the series in English in November 2021, while Edizioni BD did the same in Italian under the J-Pop label in July 2022.

The Villainous Army descended 13 years ago on their giant floating fortress to conquer the planet, and the Dragon Keepers squad has since been holding off their invasion, defeating them time and time again… is what everyone believes. The truth is, all of the Army’s executives were eliminated within the first year and only their squad of immortal foot soldiers are left. The battles still continue because the Keepers themselves made a secret agreement to let them survive, as long as they pretended to keep invading and get defeated to let the Keepers continue to enjoy their status as heroes. But one day, one of those foot soldiers decides to break the script: he’s had enough of the humiliating role thrust upon him, and he’ll use subterfuge and his natural shapeshifting ability to infiltrate the Dragon Keepers’ ranks and take them out one by one from the inside.