The popular webcomic Let’s Play, created by Leeanne M. Krecic, commonly known as Mongie based on her online usernames, has been greenlit for an anime adaptation. Mongie revealed the announcement on her Facebook page, confirming that Studio OLM is behind the production, with the said studio having worked on other popular franchises like Pokemon, Beyblade and others.
While there is no further information about the anime production, Mongie has confirmed that a new season of Let’s Play will premiere by the end of 2025.
The creator describes the romance webcomic as follows:
She is young, single and about to achieve her dream of creating incredible video games. But then life throws her a one-two punch: a popular streamer gives her first game a scathing review. Even worse, she finds that the same troublesome critic is now her new neighbour! A funny, sexy, and all-too-real story about gaming, memes, and social anxiety.
Let’s Play was first published on Webtoon in 2016 and saw 177 episodes being published, with the season 3 finale released in September 2022. Mongie then confirmed in November 2022 that she would not continue to publish the series on Webtoon due to numerous concerns she’s had regarding the platform.
As of the time of writing, Mongie has not yet confirmed where she will publish future seasons, so we will have to sit tight while waiting for that news. In the interim, fans can purchase volumes 1, 2 and 3 of Let’s Play published by Rocketship Entertainment via Amazon.