The anime adaptation of Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru (Grandpa and Grandma Returned to Their Youth) will debut in April 2024. Kadokawa revealed the news alongside the show’s key visual and main cast.

Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru anime key visual


The anime will star:

  • Noto Mamiko as Ine, the Grandma
  • Miki Shinichiro as Shozo, the Grandpa
  • Mikami Shiori as Mino, Ine and Shozo’s granddaughter
  • Tooyama Nao as Shiori, Ine and Shozo’s granddaughter


The anime is an adaptation of the manga by Araido Kagiri that launched on Pixiv in October 2019. Kadokawa published the seventh volume of the manga in August 2023, revealing that the eighth volume will be its last.

Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru manga cover for volume 1


The manga has been described as a comedy that centres on an old husband and wife who live a quiet life in Aomori harvesting apples. One day, they wake up and find they’ve mysteriously returned to their 20s.