Following the formal announcement in the first week of 2023, the animated adaptation of Asou Haro and Takata Koutarou’s Zom100: Zombie ni Naru Made ni Shitai 100 no Koto (“Zom100: 100 Things I Want to Do Before I Become a Zombie”), published by Viz Media with the title Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, is now airing on MBS and TBS since July 9. The series is directed by Kawagoe Kazuki and animated by Bug Films, with Seko Hiroshi (Mob Psycho 100, Vinland Saga, Dorohedoro, The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace, Chainsaw Man) as the screenwriter. A live-action film adaptation is also set to premiere on Netflix in August 2023.


Young office worker Tendou Akira’s three years of employment in a sweatshop company left him a shadow of his former self. His room is littered with trash, his physical and mental health are a mess, and his crush for a beautiful female co-worker remains unrequited.

Things take a dramatic turn one morning when a zombie outbreak sweeps through Tokyo with catastrophic effects. However, once the realization dawns on Akira that he doesn’t have to go to work anymore, he’s so overjoyed beyond belief that he doesn’t care that society is collapsing and the undead are roaming the streets: he’s free now! In fact, he starts writing down a bucket list of all the things he wants to do before winding up dead or turning into a zombie. How will his new life in a zombie-infested metropolis turn out? And what about the other survivors?

A former assistant of Raiku Makoto (Konjiki no Gash!!), Asou Haro received Shounen Sunday‘s Manga College Award in 2004. Four years later he worked on his first serialized manga Juhou Kaikin!! Hyde & Closer, published on Weekly Shounen Sunday. He later worked on the Alice in Borderland series, for which he acquired wider fame. Alongside Zom100, he is also currently writing Noyu Girl, with Yoshida Shirou (Too Beat, Casino Guy) as the artist.