The Heart Gear manga will resume serialization on Shueisha’s Shounen Jump+ service today, January 10th, 2024, one year after it began its current hiatus. Manga author Takaki Tsuyoshi confirmed the news last week on his Twitter account.


Takaki Tsuyoshi launched the manga on Shueisha’s Shounen Jump+ service in March 2019. The publisher released the manga’s most recent tankoubon volume, volume four, in August 2022. Shueisha’s MANGA Plus service is publishing the manga in English.

The last manga chapter published before the hiatus was chapter 39th in December 2022. The hiatus was confirmed at this time, but the return date was not revealed. The manga had previously been on hiatus due to the author’s poor health between May 2020 and August 2022.

Heart Gear Manga Cover Volume 4

In a ruined world, a human girl, Lu, and a droid, Zet, live a humble life. Then, one day, they encounter a mysterious new droid, Chrome… All three of them live together like a family, but then…