Aksys Games will release the visual novel game Radiant Tale: Fanfare! by Idea Factory for Nintendo Switch in the West this coming summer. The otome game was initially released in Japan in August 2023.


The game is a follow-up to Radiant Tale, released in Japan in May 2022 and the West in July 2023. The story follows Tifalia, who longs for an eventful life and gets her wish when an unusual group calling themselves CIRCUS wanders into her inn and presses her into service as a producer.

Radiant Tale- Fanfare! Game Cover Japan

Radiant Tale: Fanfare! features new stories, including after-stories that follow the happy endings with the five love interests in the original game, as well as new routes with two side characters following the typical ending of the standard route. The release also contains a collection of mini-episodes of events that occurred throughout the original main story.