The light novel series Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei (Good Bye, Dragon Life) by Nagoshima Hiroaki and illustrated by Ichimaru Kisuke has been green-lit for a TV anime adaptation. DMM Pictures announced the news this week, and a teaser trailer and a visual for the anime were also unveiled.


Nishida Kenichi is directing the anime at Synergy SP and Vega Entertainment. The anime will star Takeuchi Shunsuke as Dolan and Sekine Hitomi as Celina.

Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinse Anime Key Visual

Alphapolis published Nagoshima‘s first light novel, with illustrations by Ichimaru, in March 2015, and the 23rd novel was released in Japan in December 2022.

Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei Novel Cover 23

The novel series inspired a manga adaptation by Kurono in December 2015. The manga’s first tankoubon volume was released in January 2017. The 11th volume was published in November 2023, and the 12th volume will be released on March 19th, 2024.

Sayonara Ryuusei, Konnichiwa Jinsei Manga Cover Volume 12

The strongest and oldest dragon who had lived through eternity allowed himself to be killed by Hero. Just as he prepared for eternal sleep, he realized himself reborn as Dran, a villager in the frontier.

Working the field, hunting forest animals, and living a warm life filled his heart with joy he had never experienced in his dragon life. One day, while patrolling the forest near his village, he encounters a powerful demon army…