The light novel series Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte (Ameku Takao’s Detective Karte) by author Chinen Mikito will get a TV anime adaptation. The official website for the anime has revealed a teaser video and teaser visual for the show.


Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte Anime Visual

The series revolves around a female doctor who solves murders and medical mysteries at the Department of Diagnosis at a general hospital. From October 2014 to September 2022, Shinchosha released 13 novels by Chinen with illustrations by Ito Noizi. Since October 2023, Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha has started republishing the original 13 novels in addition to three new novels in the series. The 16th novel, Terror at Absolute Zero, is set to be released on April 5th, 2024.

Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte Novel Cover 16

Due to the popularity of the novels, Ohara Hiroki adapted the story into a manga in 2016. The manga was serialized in Shinchosha’s Monthly Comic @Bunch magazine and ended in 2018 with its fourth tankoubon volume.

Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte Manga Cover Volume 1