HundredBurger’s Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi (A Ninja and Assissan Living Together) manga has been green-lit for an anime adaptation by Shaft studio. The news was revealed this week by Kadokawa, along with the anime’s teaser visual.

Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi Anime Teaser Visual

The author, HundredBurger, also drew an illustration to commemorate the anime announcement.

Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi Author Illustration

The manga started in August 2021 on Kadokawa’s Comic Degeki DaiohG magazine, and Kadokawa released the first tankoubon volume in January 2022. The manga’s fourth volume will be published on April 26, 2024.

Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi Manga Cover Volume 4

The manga centers on Satoko, a naive female ninja, and Konoha, a high school assassin. Satoko escapes from the ninja village and meets Konoha, and they start living together a life full of danger and excitement.