Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shounen Champion magazine confirmed that Itagaki Paru’s Sanda manga will end in four chapters in early July 2024.

Itagaki (Beastars, Drip Drip, Beast Complex) started the manga in July 2021 in the Weekly Shounen Champion magazine, and Akita Shoten released the manga’s first tankoubon volume in December 2021. The latest volume, number 14, was released on June 7th, 2024.

Sanda Manga Cover Volume 14

In the year 2080, the world is like it is now, yet different. Government-arranged marriages, elaborate plastic surgery, and medical science are at the forefront of Japanese society.

Sanda Kazushige is a middle-school student who hasn’t quite matured despite being in the throes of puberty. Put into a life-threatening situation by his classmate Fuyumura, Sanda discovers his uncanny ability to turn into a burly (and more grown) Santa Claus. He is thrown into a world of chaos to save his fellow students in the only way Santa Claus can do while trying to solve the mysteries of the school he attends and the truth about where his supposedly dead classmate Ono went.