The light novel series Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku: Sono Mamono, Watashi ga Oishiku Itadakimasu! (Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!), written by Hoshi Kanata, and its manga adaptation by Mizube Chika will be adapted into a TV anime in the Spring of 2025.


Hoshi started the story in 2019 on the Shousetsuka ni Narou website. Kodansha published the first novel, with illustrations by Peperon, in April 2021 and the third novel in April 2023.

Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku Novel Cover 1

Mizube (Minazuki-ke no Iinazuke, Ato 1% de Unmei no Koi: Momochi Takane Hen) adapted the novels into a manga in March 2021 in Pixiv’s Palcy manga app. Kodansha published the manga’s first tankoubon volume in October 2021 and the eighth volume in June 2024. The ninth volume is set to be released on November 29th, 2024.

Kodansha USA Publishing and Kodansha’s K MANGA Services releases the manga in English.

Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku Manga Cover Volume 1Like any proper noble lady, one must have certain acquired tastes. Melphiera Marchalrayd just happens to crave a rather exotic protein—monsters! But do not judge! Despite its bad reputation, monster meat can be used in exquisite cuisine, and Melphiera is determined to change the kingdom’s opinion of it! Unfortunately, since debuting in society, Melphiera has been struggling to find her perfect match…until she meets the fearless “Blood-Mad Duke” of Galbraith!