Hunter, a bold transfer student, finds himself thrust into the unfamiliar halls of a prestigious, Japanese-dominated school. From the moment he steps onto campus, he realizes he’s out of his depth—cultural norms, strict rules, and a school hierarchy that doesn’t tolerate stepping out of line. But none of that prepares him for his first encounter with Yukio—a charming yet unapologetically eccentric girl who takes a peculiar interest in him. What begins as a budding friendship takes a bizarre turn when Yukio reveals her true nature: she’s a self-proclaimed “perverted entity.” Intrigued and not one to back down, Hunter challenges her with a bold claim—he’s more perverted than she is. Thus begins an outrageous competition that spirals into a series of escalating dares, pranks, and teasing moments that blur the line between rivalry and romance. However, the stakes are far greater than Hunter realizes. The school’s ironclad rules, enforced ruthlessly by the Principal and a formidable Student Council, leave no room for misconduct. As Hunter’s antics with Yukio and a growing circle of admirers draw more attention, the Student Council begins to see him as a threat to the school’s pristine reputation. Yet, despite their suspicions, Hunter’s cunning ensures they can’t pin any infractions on him. ------------------------------------------------- Glossary
I’m More Perverted Than You!!!
I’m More Perverted Than You!!!