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Please Game!

Stepo Starter found himself in a white room, confused about his new surrounding as his head slowly started to fill with questions about his arrival. What he didn't know, is that the room was a "participating" section, to something bigger that he could imagine, a Game. A floating book appeared in front of him, asking him a few questions that were written inside itself, in a rainbow-colored ink. Answering a few more questions, Stepo had enough and slammed the book aside, out of anger, which was followed by a calming and energetic voice of an older lady, that appeared out of nowhere, offering him two options. After choosing an option, a door opened in front of him, welcoming him inside, but a calling scream of an unknown girl came out from another door, that wasn't supposed to be there. But the choice that he made, changed his live forever "Feli Uro, welcome to "Placing". You are here because you deserve a choice. Continue your life as an worker person, staying in a small room with a computer in front of your face, drinking brown liquid in early mornings, or live your life in a place where your wildest dreams can become true. A life of doing quests, slaying fallen knights, walking on the bottom of the ocean and earn items that can protect you from the bite of a dragon, as well as earning monetary value that you couldn't even dream about, and live as a true King!"
