The anime adaptation of Tadaima, Okaeri (I’m Home, Welcome Back), the boy-love manga, will premiere in 2024. The news was announced via the anime’s official website. It’s also been confirmed that Ishihira Shinji (Fairy Tail, Sasaki and Miyano, Super Lovers) is directing the anime at Studio DEEN.

Tadaima, Okaeri Key Visual

The manga was created by Ichikawa Ichi and launched in 2016 in Fusion Product’s “The Omegaverse Project” e-book anthology. Fusion Product published the manga’s fourth volume in April 2019, and Ichikawa has confirmed a fifth volume will be released soon. 

Tadaima, Okaeri Manga Volume 1

Mao Fujiyoshi became a stay-at-home husband after marrying his beloved, Hiroshi Fujiyoshi. His son, Akira, who is almost two years old, was born, and he moved to a suburban town. Mao lacks self-confidence because of the prejudice from society that he is in an unequal marriage. There are times when he is overwhelmed by anxiety and sadness, but with the support of Hiroshi and Teru, he gradually becomes stronger.