The official website for the anime adaptation of the manga Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita (The Magical Girl and The Evil Lieutenant Used to Be Archenemies) has confirmed the main cast as well as the premiere, set for July 2024. The website also revealed a teaser visual illustrated by the anime’s character designer, Izuka Haruko.

Katsute Mahō Shōjo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita Anime Teaser Visual


Ohashi Akiyo (The Stranger by the Shore) directs the anime at BONES studio, and Ono Yuuki and Nakahara Mai will reprise their roles as Mira and Byakuya Mimori, respectively.

The late author Fujiwara Cocoa created the original manga in September 2013. It debuted on Square Enix’s Gamgan Joker but was left unfinished when Fujiwara passed away in March 2015. After consulting with Fujiwara‘s family, Square Enix published the manga’s third volume in March 2016.

Katsute Mahō Shōjo to Aku wa Tekitai Shiteita Manga Cover Volume 1

The manga tells the story of Mira, who leads an evil organization trying to take over and destroy everything. Earth is under attack, but a magical girl named Byakuya Mimori stands up to Mira’s group. As they face off, something unexpected happens—Mira falls in love with Mimori.