A new series titled Kagurabachi debuted in the 42nd issue of 2023 of Shueisha‘s Weekly Shounen Jump and the MANGA Plus website on September 18. The series is written and illustrated by Hokazono Takeru, who also published the one-shot Roku no Meiya on Weekly Shounen Jump on August 8, 2022.

Chihiro is the son of renowned swordsmith Kunishige Rokuhira. He is an eccentric, inscrutable man, but his principles and smithing skills are out of the question, and Chihiro fully intends to follow in his footsteps. 38 months pass, and Rokuhira is nowhere to be seen: we instead find Chihiro with a new scar on the side of his head, a shadow in his eyes, and revenge in his heart. He has a score to settle with the Hishaku, a cadre of sorcerers with connections to yakuza clans, and he’ll do it with a keepsake from his father that never leaves his side: a katana imbued with sorcery.

Hokazono’s profile in the same magazine issue cites Attack on Titan, Naruto and Ajin as his top favourite manga.