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Mad Moose Comics

Think Heavy Metal magazine combined with Tank Girl, and Calvin and Hobbes mixed with Fururama.
Earthling Max Max is just an average guy, working a basic job. He’s a janitor at a secretive super-science tech firm called SGI(System Guidance Incorporated). It’s a boring, monotonous job. One evening Max is feeling particularly uninspired and sleepy and happens upon a comfy, yet futuristic looking recliner chair. He takes a seat and kicks his legs up, and within minutes is sawing logs. Of course, Max talks in his sleep and happens to voice activate the chair which has flight capability, space flight in particular. Max awakes orbiting Jupiter, meanwhile the SGI security force is out looking for Max, who accidentally took the space-recliner. Max finds that the chair has a sophisticated AI that he can interact with vocally. With SGI opting for shooting first and asking questions later, Max asks the chair to take him somewhere safe. From there the random, space-hopping, and entertaining adventure that is Earthling Max begins.