Oh look another isekai! You know, a guy gets transported to a fantasy world where’s he’s OP, surrounded by hot girls and he’ll save the world. Except he’s transformed into a dragon where he doesn’t understand anybody or what’s going on. Well, maybe not just another isekai.

JarlesJarvis @jarlesjarvis
Uncomfortable. Was recommended this series by several other comic creators, but the hype looks more like creators sucking up to eachother. I will not comment on the plot as that boils down to personal tastes. However the art often comes off as totally inappropriate and even downright perverted even as soon as episode one. The writing does little IF ANYTHING to imply that the characters or writer disapproves. I recognize several of the other reviews as other creators. The bias is incredibly disheartening. I really wish I could give a better rating, but I refuse to stoop to the level of lying to another artist. Not my thing personally.
headypidgeon4180 @headypidgeon4180
I read this comic when I get chance it's a solid read if you're looking for a dragon/ Isekai. Only thing I will say up front is things can get very dark with this comic quite quickly. Personally I think the tonal shifts are handled well enough to the point where it isn't a problem for me personally. The humour is on point and there were times where I laughed out loud. If you're looking for a solid Indie comic it's one I recommend, action scenes are well executed, art is solid and there's a solid sense of atmosphere. Again just be prepared things can get dark and you should have a great time with this. <3
isaballearens @isaballearens
I've seen better, not worth all the hype this comic has been getting on this site or webtoons. Characters feel weirdly sexualized, and the plot and art style aren't anything special. It's hard to tell if the story is trying to take itself seriously or not. Wouldn't recommend.