Katherine Jones, a seventeen-year-old high school girl, unknowingly found herself being tested by the gods to see if she was deemed worthy of their holy blessing. Good news! She passed! Bad news? The blessing transformed her into a furry catgirl!!! Join Kat in this comedic/slice of life adventure as she tries to find the god responsible for the "blessing" and force them to return her to her normal self! Updated Saturdays
A Kat's (GOD AWFUL!!!) Blessing
A Kat's (GOD AWFUL!!!) Blessing
goodbye @goodbye
If the premise says something, show it as soon as you can because that's what you use to lure people into picking up your story. If you tell people she's going to get a god awful blessing that turns her into a catgirl, show us her getting that god awful blessing into catgirl. Over 20 chapters of wait until it finally happens? Oh god...
doggogowoof @doggogowoof
Why make 2 page long chapters? How is this ok? There should be a minimum number of panels for submitting chapters. This is basically trolling.
daidouji @daidouji
Twas a freaking rollercoaster of emotions!
I like this so much, it's so random!
Keep the good work! :D
TimelessGamer @timelessgamer
The premise is pretty interesting, and It’s a decent weekly read.
I also like the funny thing in the qna’s about how it’s just a very warm costume Kat wears.