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After the death of his Brother, Josh has to take care of his niece. However, the morning after he takes her in, he wakes up to a crashing sound, and his niece is gone.


verdant @verdant

1 year ago
Peak fiction This webcomic took me by surprise and literally left more of an emotional impact on me then most comics have.. The art style is simple but really compliments the more emotional scenes. However especially, I really love everything about the superhero section. The dialogue is very good in this webcomic as it scratches that subtle itch i’ve needed for like… a while okay.. Not sure if it was intended or if it’s part of the reason why I like this one-shot so much but it sort of reminds me of Chainsaw Man. Especially in art style. Definitely looking forward to the author’s future works (if they have anything), because I really love subtlety and slightly nihilistic storytelling but not in an overly edgy or complicated way.. which this one-shot isn’t so GREAT!!!!

reddii @reddii

11 months ago
It starts strong and interesting, but as the author says: the image quality drops off HARD, and the ending is fairly abrupt for how much setup is done. I hope the author finds his motivation, and maybe revisits this idea, its so ALMOST great...