Shueisha has revealed a new listing in the One Piece franchise, a new light novel titled ONE PIECE novel HEROINES (Colorful). Esaka Jun will write the light novel with illustrations by Suwa Sayaka, and it will be available for sale in Japan on March 4th, 2024.

HEROINES Novel Cover 1
Heroines First Volume (2021)

The first Heroines novel by Esaka and Suwa was published in 2021 and centered on Nami. This new novel will focus on Hancock, Tashigi, Reiju, Uta, Nami, and Robin. Shueisha has released descriptions of each character’s story in the novel below.

  • Episode: HANCOCK
    It tells the story of the return of one of Hancock’s subordinates after a long disappearance at sea. A hurricane blows in as she is about to tell her love story on the high seas.
  • Episode: TASHIGI
    Tashigi and Smoker stop by an island suffering from pirates’ damage. Tashigi decides to teach the girl who wants to become strong to take revenge on her pirates, but something unexpected happens…?
  • Episode: REIJU
    Reiju and her younger brothers from the Vinsmoke family find themselves on a ship without a cook, so they must cook for themselves. What kind of food will they cook?
  • Episode: UTA
    Those are the noisy, fun, and tender memories of young Uta and her father, Shanks. The fond memories of the days with the Red Hair Pirates come back to life.
  • Extra episode: NAMI & ROBIN
    During the voyage, Nami and Robin discuss beauty issues, like skin and hair. Along with Chopper, Brook, and the others, they realize the joy of caring for themselves.